many of you will know, our eldest daughter Nexi is studying at Art
& Design College. Her most recent assignment has been in film.
her project, Nexi chose to film her younger sister Necky Becky,
(pictured above), singing with her boyfriend Neko's band, The Stiffnex.
I expected extreme sibling storms, squalls and shrieks - but no!
(Although you may dispute the latter when you watch the film). Nexi and
Necky Becky worked together splendidly as a team, together with Neko on
guitar, Sgruff on bass and Nukkle on drums.
So here we have it - Nexi's debut pop video, 'Be Who You Wanna Be!' with Necky Becky and The Stiffnex!
I'm a proud dad! But I'm going to hide in the kitchen until it's over ...