I'll let her speak:
"This is our best view of Knollshire up here. You can even see our Necky Knoll House with the garden round it. There's my Dad's vegetable garden too. (He doesn't do much work in it though). Me 'n' Hals are on our favourite knoll. Old Gnarly the gardener says there's supposed to be a secret portal to another world called planet Earth, somewhere round here!"

love the overcast skies of showery spring days. Each droplet of rain
seems luminous and full of promise. The grass gleams in the vernal

Everything pulsates with a sense of waiting. The feeling of growing, ('growyness' as Necky B. calls it), pervades the atmosphere.

*Not to be missed out, big sister Nexi asked me to include this little 'decoupage' she has created from Necky Becky's picture.
just hollered across the room that we've not included a view of he and
Nektareeni's Gleeful & Greedy Restaurant! There's a special story to
tell you about that next time ...)
Happy Spring!