November is very special in Giraffe World. It is dream-digging time!
As you know, dear bloggy-friends, our gleeful motto is 'Stick your neck out for your dreams!' During the year, our dreams often become a little clouded. We use this time of new beginning to review and re-energize our aspirations.
First of all, we take special leaves from the garden, and write onto them our cherished dreams for the year to come.
Then as a whole family, we busily dig over our vegetable plots ready for winter. Even youngest child Littl' Nicky loves to help, and is very nexcited about our dream-digging!

As the moon rises, we all go out to the Forest to collect fallen leaves from among the pale dappled tree-trunks.
are dug deep into our vegetable and flower gardens. For us, this is
both a solemn and gleeful occasion, during which we review the past
year, and look ahead to the year to come.
the first signs of dawn, we take our special 'dream-leaves' and dig
them deep into the tilled earth. Along with all the other leaves, they
will be transformed over winter, and take part in the magical rebirth of
spring. Through all the seasons, whenever we look at our lovely garden,
we will be reminded to stick our necks out for our dreams!
What helps you to follow your dreams, dear human bloggy-friends?