Now I'm leaving accountancy, why do I still have to think about money? Because I'm becoming an entrepreneur? Because we're buying a new house and running a business? Oh dear ...
Fortunately I don't have to think about the finances too much. Maureen is much better at that sort of thing and actually enjoys it! I'm glad. I have so many interesting ideas for the business - thinking about making money is a distraction. I suppose it's a necessary evil, like having to brush one's teeth ...
We talked to a financial advisor from Flexineck Finance the other day - nice chap called Frank. He suggested that while we're building up the Tours business we rent out Neckmoor Cottage to long-term tenants rather than wait for holiday-makers, so we will have a steady source of income. Very sensible.
We own the cottage outright and are putting quite a large deposit down for Necky Knoll House, while keeping some capital for the business. Frank is sorting out a small mortgage for the house, which Maureen says is on good terms. So if the survey, and whatever else, is satisfactory, we should be able to complete around mid-April and move in!
Nexi suggested that if we're short of money we can do virtual tours of Necky Knoll House on the Interneck, showing her 'fab' interior designs transforming the place. Necky Becky said the site should be called 'Nexi-wrecksa-room'.
I put the tea-cosy on my head so I could read the paper in peace without being deafened by their bickering. It will be wonderful to have a house with lots of quiet rooms!