The Weaver of Grass and The Solitary Walker both left such kind comments on my New Year's Day post, regarding the abundance of my food supply.
jogged something in my memory about an article in the Knollshire News a
few years ago. I have managed to find it in our cuttings file.
nextraordinarily tall wild giraffe had appeared on the Neckmoors north
of Raffsburgh. The Rangers were concerned that she couldn't comfortably
bend her long neck sufficiently to reach down to the trees for food.
After much discussion it was decided to charter a helicopter to fly up
portions of fresh green shoots from the nearby Biomass Plantation.
(We have a dual energy supply here in Knollshire, from Biomass and our AFF Gas).
as she was affectionately named, spent a year on the Neckmoors, before
heading north towards the Far Mountains. It is believed that other Giraffa camelopardalis giganteum dwell there, so we hope she has found plenty of friends - and food!