Sunday, 21 April 2013

An intergalactic surprise from Bindu!

It was with great nexcitement that I went looking for our Tours bus the other day ... I had heard from the keeper of the Secret Intergalactic Cacti that there was a package from Bindu awaiting me at the Portal!

After locating the bus in our vegetable patch, (I'd forgotten I was supposed to load it up with sprouts for the Gleeful & Greedy Restaurant), I set off along the mountain road. The Secret Intergalactic Cacti are hidden deep in the gardens of the Cave of Beginning in the mountains. The journey is via a beautiful scenic route, steeped in our history - and the Cave itself - breathtaking! I will give you a guided tour one day.

As I approached, I could see an envelope hidden among the huge cacti, right next to the entrance to the Secret Portal ...

The ancient giraffe carving on the boulder above looked to be guarding the envelope, and I bowed my neck in thanks as I carefully picked up my gift. I almost ran back to the bus, and eagerly opened the envelope.

Oh how lovely! Three beautiful bookmarks created by Bindu herself in these gorgeous glowing colours! I particularly love the one with the sunflower-like patterns, I could gaze at it for hours. Thank you so much Bindu - I shall treasure them! They will go in my Journal, my current new read and my favourite book The Wind in the Willows, which I read on a continuous loop, so I will enjoy looking at them every day.
Dear bloggy friends, do visit Bindu's lovely blog, Transient Lives. It is one of my favourites, with beautiful photographs of Bindu's travels and a fascinating range of topics.